If you really want to know God through the preached and taught word, Bethesda Temple (House of Mercy) is the place to be. If you want to experience the presence of God through his word, praise, worship, prayer and personal time with God you will find that Bethesda provides wonderful opportunities for you to experience God through each of these avenues. EXPERIENCE GOD THROUGH HIS WORD We study the scriptures in order to understand what the original author actually meant when he wrote the text not what culture has popularized. God is truth and can be experienced through His divine truth. EXPERIENCING GOD THROUGH FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM EXPERIENCING GOD THROUGH PRAISE AND WORSHIP
We believe in Christian education because God wants his children’s children to know him and the blessings of being in covenant with him. Our children experience God in our Christian school through his word, his spirit, Christian training and character building, and through the harmony we strive to maintain between home and school. Students in our school learn how to share their faith, pray for others, operate in the gifts of the Spirit, scripture memorization and understanding, laying on of hands, speaking for the Lord, prayer and waiting in God’s presence as well as excellence in academics.